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Friday, July 9, 2010

Breakfast - Easy Omelette

Omelette's have to be one of my favorite breakfasts :)
They are so simple to make and take no time at all, you can add your favorite ingredients to make the perfect omelette for you and mix it up for each member of your family without too much fuss.

This morning I decided to make myself one for breakfast. I never get to eat the whole thing because my middle boy always comes and steals some (which I don't mind.. he's getting some veggies and he doesn't know it.. sneaky!).

All I used to make this omelette was:

Egg whites
1 large egg
green pepper
cremini mushrooms
pepper to taste
a dash of milk

Chop up all your veggies into little pieces so they cook up quickly. I had a little less than 1/2 cup of veggies. Crack your egg and put it into a bowl, add 1/4 cup of egg whites and a dash of milk and whisk with a fork.
Next you want to saute your veggies with a little bit of cooking spray or olive oil (you choose)

Once your veggies are cooked how you like them, pour in your egg mixture and let sit for a couple minutes. Once you've noticed the egg has cooked partially swirl the pan around so the egg goes up on the side and use your spatula to push it back down to the rest of the egg.. repeat this until all the egg has cooked.
Then it's time to flip! (the egg that is).. take your spatula and fold the egg in half to create the ever so loverly half moon shape.

Then all you have to do is transfer your oh so yummy creation onto your plate, add any of your breakfast extras and VOILA!

I added a bit of fresh pineapple to my plate this morning. This breakfast is really low in calories. Some people may think it is not enough for breakfast but for me it is OK. I have never really been a huge breakfast eater so the fact that I am taking the time to actually make it and eat it is a big step up for me.

The total calorie count for my breakfast (including 1/2 cup of pineapple) and a cup of tea was 270 Calories! Have no fear the rest of my meals today will be higher ;)

Please feel free to e-mail me @ with any questions you may have regarding any of my recipes . You can also leave a comment below and I will answer back ASAP.

Have a great day

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